The new SnowMirror 3.6 upgrades the underlying technologies to the latest versions (Java 8, Tomcat 8) and introduces several useful improvements. Especially the new possibility to edit field mappings is a great way to resolve the common data truncation error.

Edit Mappings

This new feature allows editing database column data types for individual fields. So it is possible to override the default SnowMirror mapping. E.g. it is possible to extend a varchar column to CLOB and such a setting persists even if the temporary tables are being used for the full loads. See the feature in the user manual.

The mapping is designed as an override and only the overrides are being exported into XML. Editing types of display values is supported as well.


Synchronize Since

It is possible to trigger an incremental load since a specified time stamp. This feature is useful for fixing inconsistencies even without the need of a full load. Just perform the synchronize command for a few days back and download all missing updates. The default value in the dialog is set to a time stamp that would be used during the standard incremental run.


Skipping Failing Records

This feature allows synchronizations to finish even if there were records failing to insert into the DB. The synchronization then finishes with the warning status. The maximum number of skipped records is configurable. This new feature might be useful if there is a small number of problematic records making the whole synchronization to fail. When enabled, SnowMirror is able to finish the synchronization even if some records are missing.


Security Improvements

The new SnowMirror 3.6 upgrades several underlying technologies including Java 8 and Tomcat 8. These upgrades improve the HTTPS communication and ciphers and there is an improved way to enable HTTPS for SnowMirror. There is also a new set of advanced properties related to higher security. By enabling them, SnowMirror can become more compliant with enterprise security policies.

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