




4:00 pm GMT | 11:00 am EDT

Webinar: SnowMirror best practices and latest features

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Session Overview
Join us for a deep dive into the newest features and best practices to help you get the most out of these capabilities.

What Attendees Can Expect:

  • An overview of the latest features
  • Best practices for implementing these features

Features Covered:

  • Multiple Databases: Why and how to use more than one database
  • Multiple Schedulers: Manage different scheduling needs with greater flexibility
  • Tags: Categorize synchronizations for easier management
  • Performance API: Increase the speed and efficiency of your synchronizations
  • Archiving: Discover a new workflow for archiving ServiceNow data



4:00 pm GMT | 11:00 am EDT

60 minutes

Radek Vařbuchta

Software Developer
Radek is a software developer specializing in Java technologies and working especially on Snow-Mirror solution. He is primarily developing new features, supporting customers world-wide and giving demo presentations to prospects.
+420 222 508 297